composercustompackage,aVCSrepositoryandthepackage'scomposer.json.,CreateaPHPcomposerpackage|Howto·Createyourcomposerfile·Registeryournamespacesandautoloaders·Writeyourcode·Pushyour ...,PrivatePackagistisacommercialpackagehostingproductofferingprofessionalsupportandwebbasedmanagementofprivateandpublicpackages.,Composercanbeconfiguredto...

Custom Package Definitions

A package repository lets you define all the information usually retrieved from, a VCS repository and the package's composer.json.

Create a PHP composer package | How to

Create a PHP composer package | How to · Create your composer file · Register your namespaces and autoloaders · Write your code · Push your ...

Handling private packages

Private Packagist is a commercial package hosting product offering professional support and web based management of private and public packages.

How do I install a package to a custom path for my framework?

Composer can be configured to install packages to a folder other than the default vendor folder by using composer/installers.


A repository is a package source. It's a list of packages/versions. Composer will look in all your repositories to find the packages your project requires. Concepts · Types · Composer · VCS

How to create your own Composer package and publish

This step-by-step tutorial guides you through creating your own Composer package and publishing it to Packagist, a repository for PHP packages.

Create a composer package and publish | by Azraar Azward

1. Create a public repository on GitHub. 2. Create composer.json at the top level of the repository. With `composer init` you can make a quick template.

Packagist: Create a custom package - composer php

I am trying to create a private package (private package means only authorized people can access it through 'composer require ' command.

Add custom package to composer.json file

I have a custom package that is not uploaded on github or packagist and I need to add it to a Laravel 5.1 project. This is my package folder structure.

How to create a Custom Composer Package from scratch

A composer package is a dependency manager of PHP. Learn how to create a custom composer package to make your processes easier than ever before.